WEEK 10 (10/04/2023 - 14/04/2023)



Time flies when you are having fun, so here we are in week 10. As for today, my school only had a mentor-mentee session. A mentor is essentially the teacher of the class, and mentees are the students present in the classroom. Mentees look up to mentors as role models and are motivated by them. Since I am not a class teacher, I went to the staff room to get ready for my English lessons today. Both of my classes were focused on speaking skills. Students from 1 Cemerlang and 1 Elit were able to give examples of their free time activities and list the benefits of engaging in a hobby. Today's classes were enjoyable for me because, based on what I've seen, students from both 1 Elit and 1 Cemerlang are not afraid to present in front of the class. 

Mentor mentee session.

My 1 Cemerlang students.

My 1 Elit students.


I'm on day two of week 10. There was nothing scheduled for today. 1 Cemerlang, which was from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., I then entered the 1 Elit English lesson from 12:30 p. m. to 1.30 p. m. Both of my classes today had reading lessons. Today I shared a magazine interview with my students. Students from 1 Cemerlang and 1 Elit were able to correctly match five definitions of the terms that were given, and they also finished five sentences based on the questions that were asked. 

Student's work.


I met with the members of the Nature Club today as it was curriculum day. Today's curriculum activity was mine to oversee. Just eight students were placed in each group when I divided the class. Then, I distributed a4-sized pieces of paper to the students, asking them to design a logo using the word "Nature Club" as their inspiration. The winning entry for today's curriculum tasks is drawn and colored by a student. Madam Ozai photographed the logo and had it printed and pasted on the Nature Club's logbook. I had a class with 1 Elit students after the curriculum. Students successfully underlined and filled in the blanks using the simple present tense and present continuous tense as today's lesson focused on grammar.

Grammar notes.


There were no events planned for today at school. I just had the same grammar lesson with 1 Cemerlang student today. By the end of my class, 1 Cemerlang students had underlined and filled in the gaps using the present simple and present continuous tenses.


The tenth week concludes today. I had no lessons today, so I sent my lesson plans to Madam Michelle for her approval. I gave my lesson plans to Puan Hasnah in the office after Madam Michelle reviewed them. Following that, I went to Bilik Seminar to participate in the student leadership camp. Prefects, librarians, and corporates were among the students. From 8 a.m. until 12 p.m., Teacher Azlan ran the camp. The goals of the camp were to intellectually and physically train children to be school leaders for the year 2023/2024. I guess this concludes my week 10! Thank you for reading!

Leadership camp!


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