WEEK 8 (27/03/2023 - 31/03/2023)



Welcome back to my blog. It is week 8 today, and I started off my Monday with some gloomy news. Ustaz Husni, the senior affairs assistant at the school, is retiring today, and Puan Fatimah informed all the teachers via a Telegram message. The first teacher I was greeted by on the first day of my practicum was Ustaz Husni, therefore it was quite sad to hear about his retirement. We began the day by honoring Ustaz Husni's retirement. At SMK Bayan Lepas, Ustaz Husni, a teacher and senior affairs assistant, shared his perspective on what it's like to be in that position. During the ceremony, the teachers and students gave gifts to Ustaz Husni. Following the ceremony, I met with Form 1 Cemerlang students from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. to begin the first week of Personal Development Planning (PDP), then from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m., I taught my Form 1 Elit students. I covered Unit 6: Money in both of my classes. Students defined pocket money and listed the most and least enjoyable jobs they prefer to have in order to earn a living. Thankfully, both classes went smoothly. We ended the day by sending Ustaz Husni at 2 p.m. 

Take care Ustaz Husni!


I'm on Day 2 of Week 8 right now. The first meeting for the uniformed curriculum was held with the teachers and students in the morning. For my uniform, I was given the option of joining the School Youth Cadet (TKRS). To select the student body president, teachers from this uniform gathered at Dewan Al-Razi. The teacher in charge then went over every activity scheduled for the 2023/2024 session. School Youth Cadet marching was one of the planned events. The meeting was held from 7.30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. After that, Form 1 Cemerlang students came to my classes. originating from 10.30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. And my next class started from 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. which involves students from 1 Elit. Today in my classes, I had the students practice listening. By the end of my lesson, students had to list three purchases they make each week, reply to questions based on an audio script, and then discuss the differences between borrowing and lending.

Student leader board for School Youth Cadet uniform.


I came to school wearing my School Youth Cadet t-shirt because today is curriculum day. The general Nature's Club meeting began at 7:30 a.m., so that's where I started the day. I was given the responsibility of running the Nature's Club with Teacher Ozai, according to Puan Zakiah. The school's prayer room was filled with members of the Nature Club. Seeing all 98 students in this club caught everyone off guard. The student president of this club was selected by teacher Ozai, who offered to do so. I only had one class with my 1 Elit students from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. after choosing the board of student leaders for this club. Today's class was involving reading skills. Students wrote answers to the questions that were given, list different forms of currency used in various nations, and explain the definition of any new words they had learned from reading a message board. Students who were unable to reply to the questions were obliged to make corrections.

Selection for Nature Club's student leaders board.


Well, today is the second last day of week 8. I went to my first-ever general volleyball club meeting this morning from 7.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. Since I was thirteen, volleyball has been one of my favorite sports to play. I used to enter volleyball tournaments during my high school years back in 2017. The majority of the members of this club were male students, so I'm glad Puan Zakiah chose to place me under it. Teacher Hafiq was in charge of this club. According to teacher Hafiq, students won first place in a volleyball tournament among schools last year. The student leader for this club was then selected by teacher Hafiq. I had a class with students from Cemerlang from 12:30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. The same lesson that 1 Elit's class learned yesterday was taught to 1 Cemerlang students.

My volleyball club!


Today marks the last day of week 8. Today marked the launch of the Nilam Program. Nilam is basically an intensive reading program planned for all students and teachers. The Nilam Launching program was handled by the librarians this morning. A quote from Puan Fatimah that roughly translates to "A room without books is like a body without a soul" was used to introduce the program. I held the Marikh sports house's general meeting at the school's canteen immediately following the launch. Again, the teachers and students chose athletes to fill the position of president. Since I did not have any classes today, I gave Madam Michelle this week's lesson plan for her to review. Madam Michelle rectified my objectives, achievement criteria, and reflection. I corrected my lesson plan for her second check, and she gave her approval for my work. Lastly, I went to the office and gave my lesson plans to Puan Hasnah, the senior administrative assistant of SMK Bayan Lepas, for her stamp and signature. 

Nilam launch

Quotes by Puan Fatimah

Marikh sport's house meeting


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