WEEK 9 (03/04/2023 - 07/04/2023)



Bonjour! Welcome back, everyone! Well, today marks my first day of week 9. The SMK Bayan Lepas English panel made the decision to host a camp today. Form 4 English Camp is the name of it. I participated in this program along with all the other English teachers. My classes with my students in 1 Cemerlang and 1 Elit were therefore canceled. As the head of the English department at this school, Madam Michelle assigned tasks to each teacher to ensure the success of today's camp. I was in charge of the photography session and icebreaker. Eighty Form 4 students made up the entire student body. I made the decision to divide them into six groups, with no more than thirteen students in each group, for the ice-breaking activity. I separated the groups based on adjectives beginning with the letters A through F.

    Since the program's start time is 8 a.m. at Dewan Al-Razi, I gathered all of the Form 4 students for the ice-breaking activity. I gave the students an overview of the program for today, the participating teachers, and the activities. I then gave them a box of colored paper that was filled with adjectives, and they each chose one paper to keep. According to the adjectives given, they had to sit in circles. After that, I instructed the students to enter the Bilik Seminar to begin the English Camp.

    Madam Michelle gave a briefing on the most recent English paper format for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia before the camp officially began. All of the students in Form 4 heard some advice, do's, and don'ts from Madam Michelle. Amy, a teacher, took over leading the camp after that. Comic strip writing sessions with the students were overseen by teacher Amy. Teacher Amy gave each group three different comic strips, which the students were then required to complete by adding dialogue. Stationaries were awarded to the groups with the funniest, best-written sentences and most popular comic strips. Students' proficiency with written English was clearly demonstrated by the activity involving comic strips. The teams that took first place in this round demonstrated to me that they could properly construct English sentences as well as add humorous elements to their comics.

Madam Michelle SPM English format briefing session.

Teacher Amy briefing the comic strip activity.

SMK Bayan Lepas English panel.

Choosing the best comic strip!

Winner of the comic strip writing activity!

    Teacher Ashivni led the second activity. Volunteers were requested from the groups to perform the actions depicted in the paper by teacher Ashivini. The volunteer student was required to perform for their groupmates while using only English-language phrases. The teams that correctly predicted the most acts won the game. The purpose of this game was to test the student's ability to think creatively. This game allowed students to practice their speaking abilities. The final activity was under Teacher Norain's supervision. Reading and listening comprehension were to be the main areas of focus for teacher Norain. Where there were lines missing in the song, she printed two song lyrics by Adele. She, therefore, played each song twice, with the students being required to listen to the lyrics. This is an illustration of a modern 21st teaching strategy. This round was won by the students who completed the lyrics.

Acting session with teacher Ashivini.

Listening and reading activity with teacher Norain.

After lunch, the English camp was over. Teacher Azzidin, the head of the language department, presented awards and launched the camp's closing ceremony. The English unit gave stationery bundles to each winner. I believe that this English camp was one of the best opportunities for me to demonstrate my program management and leadership abilities. I would say that managing college-related events is usually my cup of tea, but when I was able to lead this English camp at SMK Bayan Lepas flawlessly, I realized that I was growing into a much more composed and competent leader.
The closing ceremony of the English camp!


Day two of week nine is shown below. There were no activities set for today. Both 1 Cemerlang and 1 Elit students were in my classes. I gave my students an octopoem in class for the literature in action session. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the formula they learned to complete an octopoem and create their own octopoem. I explained what an octopoem is with a circle map on a piece of mahjong paper, and the students from both classes really liked my lesson. My student seems to pay more attention in class when I write notes on hands-on materials like mahjong paper.

Notes on octopoem.


Wednesday being what it is, I attended the second curriculum meeting for the School Youth Cadets. The meeting got underway at 7.30 a.m. towards 8.30 a.m. in Dewan Al-Razi. Students were asked to draw the uniform's logo for today's curriculum assignment. The School Youth Cadet report book was then decorated with one of the outstanding logos selected by the teachers. I only had 1 Elit students in my class today. I introduced the terms "will" and "be going to" in our grammar lesson today. In addition to completing sentences with the proper form of "will" and "be going to," students had to make a list of potential locations where they could keep their money. Today's lesson went smoothly.

Logo drawing session


Today's class was made up entirely of 1 Cemerlang students. I gave the same lesson I had yesterday with 1 Elit students. To ensure that my students would comprehend the concepts much better, I also made notes on "will" and "be going to" via a piece of mahjong paper. It was a very successful lesson.

Notes on "will" and "be going to".


The ninth week has finally come to an end. I went to see Madam Michelle to discuss my lesson plans since I had no classes today. I was getting much better at writing the lesson plans, Madam Michelle said. In addition, Puan Fatimah disclosed that the Minister of Education had sponsored 24 Form 5 students to receive free motorcycle licenses in a program called MyLesen. Congratulations, kids! I'll see you in week 10 because I had a busy week.

The MyLesen ads.

To conclude:

My SWOT analysis


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