WEEK 14 (08/05/2023 - 12/05/2023)



I am delighted to have you on my SMK Bayan Lepas week 14 blog. Today's morning began without a school assembly. I went to 1 Cemerlang for my English lesson promptly at 8 a.m. I taught the same English lesson to my 1 Elit students as in 1 Cemerlang. With respect to the present time, the attention was on talking abilities. By the end of my lesson, students from 1 Cemerlang and 1 Elit had listed the advantages of using an air fryer and were able to match all of the old appliances to modern ones. Today, students from both classes were spirited and well-behaved. Both of the class lessons went off without a hitch.

Student's work from 1 Cemerlang.

Student's work from 1 Elit.


Today marks the second day of week 14. At school, there was no early morning activity. From 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 p.m., I taught  1 Cemerlang class, and from 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m., I taught 1 Elit class. The lesson for today was on literature. Understudies were acquainted with a sonnet entitled as ' Sad I Ams' by Trevor Millum. In both classes, I talked about the poem's structure, mood, themes, and moral values. Students also expressed their emotions and correctly identified the items in the poem. Both classes successfully completed the lesson. Each stanza's meaning was explained by students as well.

Sad I Ams poem.


My morning began with a curriculum activity at school. Since I was in charge of Nature's Club, I chose to undertake a recycling activity with my pupils utilizing boxes from 7.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. Following that, I had a class with my 1 Elit students. Today was my first evaluation. Madam Michelle entered the room and assessed me for the first time. Today's class focused on the poem "Sad I Am." On a sheet of mah-jong paper, the students were required to match images with poetry lines. Students then gave three suggestions for cheering up a sad classmate. Today's class was fantastic. The students were all energetic, cooperative, and respectful.  The lesson was grasped well by all 29 out of 29 students.

First class evaluation done and dusted✅


Today is the second last day of week 14. I had only one class. I taught my first-year Cemerlang students the format and procedures for writing an email. The email discussed how technology has aided people and how it has made people lazier. Students were taught how to write an email as well as the structure of an answer to a query.


It's finally Friday. I didn't have any classes today. As a result, I finished the lesson plan for next week. I wanted to meet Madam Michelle, but she wasn't in school today. Alright, I guess that's it for this week. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog!


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